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what is the gist of to kill a mockingbird chapter 19

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To Kill a Mockingbird Affiliate nineteen

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Chapter 19

  • Tom Robinson tries to use his skillful right hand to put his bad left one on the Bible, only it keeps falling off, and the guess tells him not to bother.
  • Subsequently the basic questions about his age and family, Atticus asks Tom most a previous conviction for hell-raising conduct; Jem whispers that Atticus is showing the jury that Tom has nothing to hide.
  • Gee, nosotros're glad Jem is here to interpret for u.s.a..
  • Tom's testimony continues: he passes the Ewell place on his fashion to work for Mr. Link Deas every twenty-four hours; he did become inside the Ewell yard to chop upwardly a piece of furniture, but that was last spring, not in November like Mayella said, and that he went home without incident after turning down the nickel she offered him for the job.
  • Atticus asks if he always crossed into Ewell belongings after that, and Tom says he did lots of times, provoking a murmur from the audience.
  • Atticus asks why, and Tom says Mayella kept having piddling jobs for him to do, and he never took payment because he knew how poor she was.
  • Tom says the children were always around when he was there, and Mayella would talk to him.
  • Lookout man thinks that Mayella must accept been terribly alone, even more lonely than Boo Radley, and that Tom was probably the just person who had ever treated her with existent kindness.
  • Did Tom e'er keep the Ewell belongings without being invited? He says no.
  • So, what happened that night in November?
  • Tom was going dwelling equally usual and passed the Ewell place, which seemed awfully quiet. Mayella asked him to come up in to ready a door, even though nothing seemed wrong with it.
  • And and so he suddenly realized that the reason it seemed and then tranquillity was that the other children weren't around. Mayella said she'd been saving her nickels for a twelvemonth to get enough coin for all seven to buy ice cream.
  • Well, isn't that nice, he said. He tried to leave, when she asked him to become something down from the top of a wardrobe; he stood on a chair to become it, when she grabbed his legs from behind; he jumped in fright, knocking the chair over.
  • He swears that was the simply piece of furniture disturbed in the room when he left it.
  • And then he turned around and Mayella hugged him.
  • The courtroom erupts, but the judge intervenes and Tom continues: Mayella kissed him, saying that she'd never kissed an developed human being before, and that what her male parent does to her doesn't count.
  • Tom says that he tried to go abroad without touching Mayella, when Mr. Ewell shouted through the window.
  • Atticus forces Tom to echo Mr. Ewell's words, fifty-fifty though he doesn't want to: he said, "you goddamn whore, I'll kill ya" (19.68).
  • And then Tom ran away as fast every bit he could.
  • Sentry doesn't empathise Tom's dilemma until her begetter explains it to her later: pushing Mayella would have been every bit good as signing his decease warrant, so he had to run, fifty-fifty though it made him look guilty.
  • While Mr. Gilmer is getting upwardly to question the witness, Mr. Link Deas suddenly stands upwardly and vouches for Tom's graphic symbol to the whole courtroom, sparking Estimate Taylor'due south wrath.
  • The judge tells everyone to forget the interruption and the court reporter to erase information technology from the record, and the case continues.
  • After revisiting Tom's previous criminal record, Mr. Gilmer asks him virtually his physical strength, establishing that after all he'southward potent enough to chop up furniture with his ane good hand.
  • Why did Tom spend so much time doing Mayella's chores when he had his ain to practise at home? Tom says, after persistent questioning, that he felt sorry for her.
  • Mr. Gilmer shows daze and horror at this answer (how dare a black human being feel distressing for a white woman?), and pauses to let the jury feel it too.
  • When Mr. Gilmer asks questions well-nigh that night, Tom refuses to accuse Mayella of lying, but persistently says that she is "mistaken in her listen" (nineteen.135).
  • Why did he run? Isn't running away testify of guilt?
  • Tom basically says that he ran because he knew most white people would assume he was guilty no matter what.
  • Past this point Dill is crying uncontrollably, and Jem makes Sentinel take him out of the courtroom.
  • Dill tells Sentinel information technology just fabricated him sick to hear how Mr. Gilmer was talking to Tom. There'southward a difference betwixt the condescending way Mr. Gilmer talked to Tom and the politeness Atticus showed to Mayella.
  • Picket replies that the difference is between Atticus and Mr. Gilmer, not their witnesses, merely Dill doesn't believe it.
  • A new voice breaks into their conversation: Mr. Dolphus Raymond, who agrees with Dill.

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